Pathwater x 1 Hotels
Pathwater and 1 Hotels share 1 Vision. We both aspire to spark conversations and innovation with people that transform the world.

Pathwater’s story began in 2015 after reading a shocking stat: by the year 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. With the average person drinking 156 bottles of water per year, the founders of Pathwater required both a change in how bottles are manufactured and a change in how people consume. With a mission to make the future sustainable, Pathwater offers a coupled solution of electrolyte-enhanced still, alkaline, and sparkling water in aluminum refilled bottles.
Pathwater and 1 Hotels share 1 Vision. We both aspire to spark conversations and innovation with people that transform the world. Our collaboration on a 100% refillable and recyclable aluminum bottle is available now, and 25% of proceeds go to the Starwood Cares Employee Relief Fund.
Learn more and purchase your 1 Hotels x Pathwater bottles here.