How To Harness The Energy Of The Full Moon

Guest post by Lisa Levine MS LAc, Founder of Maha Rose Center for Healing in Brooklyn
The full moon is coming. I feel fuller, more energized, expectant. A little wilder. I want to do a million projects and see a million friends. I want to dance and make art. I look outside and see she’s getting bigger. So am I. Inside. I’ve been doing more, creating more. I’m excited and I feel more alive. I am full, just like her.
The time leading up to the full moon is the time to grow, expand, put ourselves out there. When she arrives in her full glory it’s the peak of the energy of action and completion. It’s time to celebrate. Dance with her. Sing to her. Bathe in her glory. Its a time to release anything that isn’t serving you. (It’s always the time for this but especially more powerful when we do it in conjunction with the energy of the moon.)
The full moon is a great time to be social. The energy is stronger. Emotions run stronger as well so be extra gentle with yourself. And your loved ones. and everyone. Connect with your friends and soul family. Intuition runs higher. Dreams may be a little louder. The moon is feminine. It’s no coincidence that a woman’s cycle is the same number of days as the moon’s cycle.
At Maha Rose we have full and new moon ceremonies to connect with and harness the energy of the moon. To synch up with her. The modern calendar is a creation- built for the work week. Through intention we can connect with the feminine cycles of time that predated this constructed calendar – the lunar rotations. We gather together with intention to share our lives, our stories, our intentions. We gather together to connect to the feminine rhythms of life.
If you’re feeling a little crazy or a little wild connect with other women (and men, too). If we’re not expressing ourselves, dancing or writing or releasing the energy we may feel full, stagnant or angry. The full moon wants us to express our wild woman! Let her out. Full moon and breath work circles are amazing opportunities to release and connect to our wild.
If you can’t get together with your friends, do your own moon ritual. Light a candle. Write the things you are grateful for. Write the things you are releasing. Sing a song to her. Dance with her, move your body. Feel your waters connecting with her waters.
This full moon is a strong one.. October 5th’s harvest moon is in the sign of Aries. She’s a passionate ram! Aries is about action, ideas, inspiration! If you’re feeling extra passionate create more. If you’re feeling extra stretched or extra emotional get some reiki, get a massage. Treat yourself to some lunar self care. You deserve it. You are a star don’t forget. We all are.